Our "New" Building
What was once an ugly cinder block box has been transformed. With the help of Dwight McNeill, Jolly Construction, Cathay and Company...
Spring Stucco!!
Spring, or as we call it here in Sperryville, Winter in April, has finally produced some warm weather. Warm enough actually to start...
Closing In and Stocking Up
Now that the electrical and plumbing rough in is complete, we've closed up the outside of the building and are ready to wrap it in Tyvek....
Building the Building
Terry, Jeff, Tim, James and Nate, our construction guys from Jolly Construction have finished the framing of the exterior and installed...
Making Concrete Progress
With the exterior rough in just about done, it was time for Trey and his team of masons to get to work. We're cutting holes in the block...
Permission Granted
Today we taped that ever-so-important yellow laminated piece of paper in the soon to be smashed window of 20 Main Street. Yes, I'm...
Home and Back to Work
Its great to be home, to see our friends and family and to get back to work here in Rappahannock County. Our trip to Europe was...
Demolition Time
After a very dusty and dirty day, our dining room is now without its support column palm trees, fishing wire hung bamboo, flexible track...
The Keys
Big day today... Diane and I closed on 20 Main Street this morning and picked up the keys to what will be Three Blacksmiths. We have to...
Sperryville, here we come!
Monday May 8th is the day we'll take ownership of 20 Main Street in Sperryville. It's taken us a while to get here, but we're thrilled we...