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Dining with Us During a Pandemic

We never thought we'd have a page on our web site with this title, but here we are!  Fortunately, Three Blacksmiths already has many of the features needed to minimize the spread of germs, but we thought you'd like to know what else we're doing to keep everyone safe and how we're asking guests to help, too:



Three Blacksmiths Practices that are Already Pandemic-Friendly ​

  • Dinner by reservation only: Three Blacksmiths only seats by reservation; we don't accept walk-ins. When you arrive, your table literally has your name on it! 


  • Just one seating: The only meal we serve is dinner and we have just one seating at 7pm. You're the only one who will have sat at your table the day you dine with us.


  • Ample spacing, small parties: We don’t allow any parties larger than six guests. Our occupancy permit is for 50 people, but we only seat a maximum of 20 guests - always have! 

  • Contactless payment: Our pre-paid reservation system allows for no-contact transactions. No payment is necessary during dinner. 


  • Single-use menus: Our dinner menus and wine lists are single-use.  



Procedures to Keep You and Our Staff Safe


  • Our entire team is fully vaccinated. We still wear masks so we can do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.


  • UV Air purifier: We've installed an UV air purifier directly into the ventilation system to reduce airborne contaminants including viruses, bacteria and mold. 


  • Hand sanitizer: We have hand sanitizer located in the front vestibule. 



What We’re Requiring Our Guests to Do



  • As of May 28, 2021, you no longer need to wear a mask if you are fully vaccinated, BUT only dine out when you're healthy: No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted in the restaurant. If a guest doesn't have a fever, but shows other signs of illness (such as a chronic cough or repeated sneezing), we reserve the right to send them home for the comfort of everyone in the dining room. In other words, we only want you to dine with us if you’re feeling completely healthy!





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